quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Ozone Layer Depletion

Hello Environmentaly Friends,are you fine?
Today we will talk about the "Ozone Layer Depletion",so let's go!
The Ozone Layer Depletion(Doc.1) is a problem that is due to the use of CFC's(Chloro-floro carbons).
The CFC's cause a decrease of the ozone layer, as these can destroy the same, but we'll see what are the consequences of the reduction of the ozone layer by the same:

Consequences of the Ozone Layer Depletion:
-Global Warming;
-increased numbers of people with cataracts(due to ultraviolet rays);
-increased numbers of people with skin cancer(due to ultraviolet rays);
-Melting of polar ice caps;


But what can we do to avoid this?

It's simple:
-Avoid open refrigerators;
-Avoid using Aerosols;
-Avoid using artificial Deodorizers;

CFC's Molecule is composed by(Doc.2):
3xChlorine Atoms;
1xFluorine Atom;
1xCarbon Atom.

Doc.1-The Evolution of the Ozone Layer Depletion.

Doc.2-CFC's Molecule.

Ozone Layer Depletion in Antarctica.

See that three videos to more Information:-Ozone's animation
                                                                              -Ozone Layer Depletion
                                                                              -What happened to the holes in the Ozone Layer?

See you Tomorrow Environmentaly Friends!

By Francisco

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