terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016

Loss of Biodiversity

Hello Environmentaly Friends,welcome to another post,in this post I wil talk about the Loss of Biodiversity!

The Loss of Biodiversity is a consequence of habitat destruction, such as forests, for example, trees in a forest are cut to create industrial areas or even to build houses, it is obvious that there will be loss of habitat for some living beings(Doc.1) which result in a loss of biodiversity, if this were the same forest which issue carbon dioxide, sulfur, carbon monoxide...would originate a loss of biodiversity because they would eventually die!

Doc.1-Biodiversity in a Forest.

See this video to perceive simply because of not killing living beings:Living Beings-"Friends Forever".

Tips to protect the Biodiversity:

-Avoid killing living beings;
-Avoid cutting Trees;
-Avoid destroying habitats.

Here is a video to show some extinct species and how to save the biodiversity:Biodiversity Loss ans some Tips to prevent.

Goodbye Environmentaly Friends,so protect the living Beings and they will be happy!!!

By Francisco

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