terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016

Climate Change

Hello,Environmentaly friends!
Now I will talk about the "Climate Change",the climate change is a consequence of the Global warming,of the cutting of trees...

The Climate change is due to the issue of water vapor(H2O),Carbondioxide(CO2),Methane(CH4), Nitrous Oxide(N2O) and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)(Doc.1)...

The change in climate causes the melting of the polar ice caps(Doc.2) due to global warming(Doc.3), the death of living beings creatures, habitat destruction also because of global warming, if a certain forested region occurs evapotranspiration held by the trees which makes it rains in this region but if this region were deforested evapotranspiration no longer occur(Doc.4).
Doc.1-Molecules of the gases that contribute to the Climate Change.

Doc.2-The melting of the Polar Ice caps.

Doc.3-Global Warming.

Doc.4-The Evapotranspiration importance.

Tips to prevent the Climate Change:

-Avoid cutting Trees;
-Avoid driving a car;
-Fly Less.

If you make this tips you will save the Planet,Good Job Environmentaly Friends!!!

By Francisco

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