quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Ocean Acidification

Hello Environmentaly Friends,are you fine?

Today we will talk about the "Ocean Acidification".
The Ocean Acidification  is a consequence of industrialization,deforestation,cars,airplanes...
because they produce carbon dioxide when going to the atmosphere reacts with water to form carbonic acid(Doc.1) then followed by forming Bicarbonate ions then followed by hydrogen ions(Doc.2).
These chemical compounds are acidify the ocean water causing the water beings and plants to die due to excess acidity,these also to infiltrate the land may eventually be ingested by a living being (in the form of potato,lettuce...), and more, can also be live ingest these compounds (in the form of fish), because these consumed them in the past!

the Ocean acidification affects the trees,the fish,the humans... =Loss of Biodiversity.

Doc.1-Reactions and Carbonic Acid Molecule.

Doc.2-Ocean Acidification.

Three Tips to avoid the "Ocean Acidification":
-Donating used clothing;
-Cycling or Walking;
-Not ride a Car.

See that three videos to more information:-Ocean Acidification;
                                                                              -Two minutes on oceans;           
                                                                              -Ocean Acidification and Biodiversity Impacts.

See you tomorrow Environmentaly Friends!

By Francisco

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